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Must-know German words and phrases

Here are the basic words and phrases you'll need to get by in Germany - and their Swabian versions, just for kicks!

There are two levels of formality in German: "Sie" and "du", both of which mean "you". "Du" is informal; "Sie" is formal and always capitalized. Err on the side of caution and say "Sie" to anyone older than you or anyone working in a shop/bakery/office/other - using "du" can easily be taken as a sign of disrespect, so if you want to learn German you should be sure to learn the formal language. (It's not too different from the forms for "du", to be honest, so it's not terribly hard.)

Also, a note: If you order "Wasser" in a German restaurant, they'll bring you sparkling mineral water. If you want still water, you'll need to ask for "stilles Wasser".

Without any further ado, here's the list! Yes - Ja (Jo) No - Nein (Noi) But YES - Doch (when you're disagreeing with someone's "no", you say "doch")

Exactly - Genau Good day - Guten Tag (Tach) Please - Bitte (Bidde) Thank you - Danke You're welcome - Gerne (Gern g'scheha) Pleased to meet you - Schön, Sie/dich kennenzulernen (Schee, Sie/di kennetzulerna) I don't know - Ich weiß nicht (I woiß net) I know - Ich weiß (I woiß) I don't understand - Ich verstehe nicht (I versteh net) I understand - Ich verstehe (I versteh) Of course - Natürlich It's cold - Es ist kalt ('s isch kalt) I'm cold - Mir ist kalt (Mia isch kalt) It's hot - Es ist heiß ('s isch hoiß) I'm hot - Mir ist heiß (Mia isch hoiß) I'm tired - Ich bin müde (I bin miad) I'm hungry - Ich habe Hunger (literally "I have hunger") (I han Hunga) Very - Sehr It tastes good - Es schmeckt gut ('s schmeckt guat) Water - Wasser (Wassa) Beer - Bier (Bia) Food - Essen (Essa) To eat - Essen (Essa) I love you - Ich liebe dich (I han di liab) Don't go - Geh nicht (Geh net) Come back soon - Komm bald wieder (Komm bald wieda) Come here - Komm her (Komm hea) One minute - Eine Minute (Ei Minut) My dear - Meine Liebe (feminine) / Mein Lieber (masculine) (Mei Liebe / Moi Lieber)

Disclaimer: I'm not 100% sure I spelled the Swabian words correctly (haven't read much Swabian) but they look right to my ear!

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